What is I'll fight day?
I'll Fight Day is a Salvation Army youth servant evangelism day that will take place all across the nation on Saturday, December 7th, 2024. I'll Fight Day is a way for you to share the Gospel outside of your corps building through community service and acts of kindness: like giving out free hot chocolate, hosting a neighborhood Christmas party, or volunteering at a community clean up event, etc. The goal is to go out into our cities/towns to share God’s love in a practical way that leads others to ask “What are you doing this?”
I’ll Fight Day is a local, youth-led initiative where you and your friends can decide how you want to serve others in your community. There are many helpful resources available to help you participate in this event. Instructions, resources and promotional graphics can be downloaded on this website.
The opportunities are endless for you to show the love of Christ in practical ways and help reveal the Kingdom of God in your community. I'll fight to the very end! Will you?
I'll Fight Day happens in your own city, neighborhood, corps parking lot, local mall, intersection! The hope is that you choose an activity that gets you outside of the corps building. Use this site as a resource for ideas, but I'll Fight Day is what you make of it, right where you already are!
If the people will not come to see us, the greater is the necessity and urgency that will be laid upon us to go to them. And we Salvationists must and will go. - William Booth, Co-Founder of The Salvation Arm
The name “I’ll Fight Day” is in honor of the final sermon given by William Booth, co-founder of The Salvation Army. As he stood at the Royal Albert Hall in London, England to over 7,000 Salvationists, Booth's final words summed up the heart and mission of The Salvation Army.
“While women weep, as they do now, I'll fight;
While children go hungry, as they do now, I'll fight;
While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I'll fight;
While there is a poor lost girl upon the streets,
While there remains one dark soul with the light of God, I'll fight;
I'll fight to the very end!”
What about servant evangelism?
Servant evangelism is an opportunity to surprise people with God's love. You can do this in many ways: like giving out free hot chocolate, cleaning up at a mall food court, providing yard work to neighbors, etc.
The goal is to show God's love to others in practical ways with no strings attached.
Essentially, servant evangelism is any activity that is:
- Done in the name of Jesus,
- To provide a beneficial service to people,
- Where no money is expected in return.
Servant evangelism softens the hearts of people who are not yet Christians by doing a "low-risk" activity that shows "high grace." It is a way to bless others in the hopes that they will become more open to the saving message of Jesus Christ. These small acts of kindness can nudge a person closer towards God, often in profound ways.
Every Christian should be willing to participate in a "low risk" activity such as handing a stranger a cold can of Coke on a hot day. The "high grace" is seen in the typical reaction: "Oh, thank you!" "This is so nice!" "I can't believe this is free!" Ultimately, servant evangelism tries to open the door for conversation, in the hopes that someone asks the important question, "Why are you doing this?"
Jesus talks about this kind of ministry in Matthew 10:42, when he instructs: "It's best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing." (The Message).
What makes servant evangelism so effective is that almost anyone can participate regardless of age or spiritual maturity. Anyone can give out a cold cup of water, shovel snow or pay for a free load of laundry. These seemingly random acts of kindness can help others receive a touch of God's love. Just make sure that you are ready to share why you are doing these things-"in Jesus' name"-when the opportunity presents itself.
I'll Fight Day is something that anyone can do in their community. We pray that this exercise in servant evangelism will spur you and your friends on toward love and good deeds. We hope that you will catch a glimpse of the exciting Gospel of Jesus Christ; Good News that can be shared in many beautiful and creative ways. We believe that I'll Fight Day is just one way we can fulfill our calling as Salvationists to "win the world for Jesus."
How does it happen?
Interested in participating in I'll Fight Day? Follow these steps:
- Start praying now that those you meet will feel God’s love
- Read the list of suggested servant evangelism activities below,
- Get your friends together, figure out what you want to do,
- Use #IFD23 to help spread the word,*
- Put your plan into action on Saturday, December 7th, 2024
Visitation Fight Day
Go to home for the elderly and ask to visit a resident who doesn’t get many visitors. Tell stories, read together, play board games, make a friend.
Nametags might be a good idea.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Mobile Bakery
Bake some cookies, bread or anything delicious. Give them away to the bus drivers, mail carriers, trash collectors or anyone else that helps keep your community moving.
Baking ingredients and equipment, plastic bags to distribute baked goods, encouraging notes attached to bags.
Cost of ingredients. Pool your resources and go grocery shopping.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
The rockstar treatment!
Ever wanted to experience the rockstar treatment? Who hasn't? Use this I'll Fight Day as a chance to roll out the red carpet (figuratively or literally!) for your neighbors. Here's the idea: signs, balloons, cheers, etc. Let your neighbors know you think they rock because Jesus loves them! Take a group photo and drop off a copy for their fridge the following week. Tip: you might freak some people out, but that's kind of the heart of IFD! Be kind and be sincere. Don't do this activity unless you really love your neighborhood and are going to back up the sentiment throughout the year.
Poster Board, Markers, Balloons, Streamers, Small Gifts, etc.
The more the merrier!
Cost of supplies
Warmer weather is best, especially if you're planning on using helium balloons.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Gift Basket Giveaway
Bring a holiday blessing to your local civic officials, police officers, and/or firemen and women. Let them know how much you love your neighborhood and how thankful you are for their service. Offer to pray for them, maybe sing a carol, and leave them with a really nice gift basket.
Christmas Gift bags/baskets, encouraging notes and thank you cards. Tip: Get your younger Sunday School kids to help make the cards the week before IFD!
Teams of 4+
Fit your budget, try saving money and having more fun by putting together your own baskets.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
College campus pre-gift
Let's face it: a lot of college students are either too poor or too lazy to get something nice for mom or dad at Christmas. Help them out by making something nice for them! Take your sweet, homemade gifts to your local campus and get pre-gifting! Mom & dad will never know they've been re-gifted...
Supplies for s'more kits, hot cocoa kits, soup in a jar mixes, or something else that will stay fresh until they make it home for Christmas break.
Teams of 4+
Depends on what you make. Someone you know uses Pintrest, look for some good ideas for nice homemade gifts!
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Ding-dong ditched!
You don't actually have to ring the doorbell and run for this one. Buy a ton of individually wrapped Little Debbie Ding-Dong snack cakes and decorate them with ribbons and a Christmas note. Go door to door and share them with your neighbors.
Little Debbies, and ribbon/bows.
Teams of 2-4
Around $3-4 a box.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Food Court Cleanup
Go to your local mall food court and clean up after people eat. Bonus points if you dress up like wait staff from a fancy restaurant (white & black, ties, slick hair, cloth over the forearm and all that)!
Rags, spray bottles of cleaner.
Minimal-cost of rags and cleaner.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Snow removal from driveways/sidewalks
No one really enjoys shoveling snow. Some people really can't do it. Help people out by shoveling their snow.
Snow Shovels and Salt Pellets (if there is ice).
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Laundromat Outreach
Pay for washing machines and dryers at local Laundromats. Sit and chat, make some friends!
Rolls of quarters.
Teams of 2-it is intimidating to have more than a few people.
At least $1.50 per wash, $.50 per dryer.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Christmas giftwrap giveaway
Give away gift wrap necessities to your community.
Wrapping paper, bows, ribbons, gift bags, etc.
Teams of 2
Nothing. Put your Corps' donated wrapping paper to great use!
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Traveling Department Store
Find a homeless person and give them some warm clothing or a blessing bag.
Socks, gloves, hats, jackets and any other warm clothing. Blessing bags can include toiletries, socks, nonperishable foods, hand warmers, quarters, bottle of water, chapstick, band-aids, hand sanitizer, etc.
Teams of 2-4
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Free hot chocolate/coffee givewaway
Set up tables at store exits or sporting events and serve hot drinks on cold days.
Table, 2 or 3 Igloos (5 gal.), creamers, sugar, stirrers, cups and "Free Coffee" sign.
Cool to cold weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Christmas caroling
Organize a caroling group and go house to house in your neighborhood. Take it to the next level with a Christmas mashup complete with some light choreography.
Christmas music and Candy Canes (if wanted).
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Library Jubilee
Go to your local library and pay as many library fines as you can afford.
Cash money.
Teams of 2
Pay as many fines as you can afford.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Leaf Raking (if leaves are still on the ground)
Who likes to rake leaves? You'll do it for them.
Rakes, Bags, Leaf Blowers, etc.
As few as 2-the more the merrier and easier. 10 people can rake a lawn in minutes.
Minimal-you can own your own rake for $5.00.
Dry weather is best
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Christmas gift wrap
Everyone needs their Christmas gifts wrapped. Do it at the mall for free!
Wrapping paper, tape, scissors, table, chairs, etc.
Lots of people needed. Depending upon mall traffic, you will need a variety.
Though costly, can cost as little as $.10 per gift. Check your Corps' for donated wrapping paper.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Nursing home visit
Contact local nursing home and ask if you can visit. Sing some Christmas carols. Sit and talk/listen. Hold someone's hand. Pray with your new friends.
Nothing (though instruments would be nice).
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Cemetary carnation giveaway
Go to a local cemetary and give away carnations to cemetary visitors.
Cost of Carnations.
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Trash pickup
Help pick up trash after the local school football game or around community.
Debris pickup sticks, 5 gallon plastic buckets, trash bags.
Minimal (borrow what you may need).
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
Christmas tree giveaway
Buy some Christmas trees and deliver them to families in your community.
Christmas trees, tree stands and string to secure to car.
The cost to buy some trees from a local tree lot (see if you can get a deal).
Any weather.
Salvation Army shirts would be helpful.
*For best results, please contact these businesses for permission to do these things before I'll Fight Day takes place. Many of these servant evangelism ideas come from Steve Sjogren's book Conspiracy of Kindness: A Refreshing New Approach to Sharing the Love of Jesus, Regal Press 2003. Also, some of them I just made up...
What else Do I need?
Start planning now. Go over the provided list of servant evangelism examples, talk to your friends and figure out what you are going to do.
Pitch in. Some of the activities require you to spend your own money. The more people who you get to pitch in, the more you can do.
What should I wear?
It’s helpful to wear something that shows you are part of The Salvation Army. This could be a shirt with a shield, a volunteer apron or even your uniform (always appropriate).
If you are looking for "I'll Fight Day" swag head to the merch store (https://www.cynmerch.com) to purchase some swag at cost and have it shipped directly to you.
All projects are free-don't accept any money?
2024 Graphics
Want the artwork from I'll Fight Day?
Download Artwork
(Please note: this artwork is to be used exclusively for I'll Fight Day and cannot be sold for profit)